enltru (8~699) 83 827 Savanorių pr. 11E, Vilnius 03116, Lithuania

Mastopathy or benign breast dysplasia is a breast disease that most commonly affects young and middle-aged women under the age of 55. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), mastopathy is also called cystic fibrosis, a condition characterized by the removal and loss of breast glandular tissue.

Mastopathy can be diagnosed as much as in a woman who complains of chest pain. It is a secondary disease, i. breast irritation, which results in hardening and chest pain. E.g. ovarian failure, thyroid function, or stress in women. For these reasons, the hormonal balance changes, and so do the breasts.

Most often, women see doctors for secretions due to nipples, chest hardening, pain. The above complaints can also be attributed to menstrual syndrome, then, when menstruation begins, the pain subsides and the breasts soften again.

The pain caused by mastopathy ignores the menstrual cycle, can be painful both before and after menstruation, and the stiffness felt in the chest remains (they are diffuse or focal). It is not uncommon to complain of single breast pain, which may be the case with spinal pathology. All women who come to a breast specialist are examined. First of all, the reasons for the illness are explained, a family history is collected (it is important whether the family has had breast, gynecological oncosis), a breast palpation is performed, if necessary, a secretion is taken, a sonoscopy is performed, and for older women, mammography. Once the cause of mastopathy has been determined, it is decided which treatment to prescribe: herbal preparations, vitamins, food supplements or surgery. Often mastopathy can be cured by eliminating the root cause, i. in the treatment of the primary disease.

It is often asked whether mastopathy is a precancerous condition. That question can only be answered by a doctor after a thorough examination. So, take care of yourself, dear women!

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